15 Times Blonde Jokes Were Proved To Have More Than A Sliver Of Truth, LOL

First of all, let”s get something straight. People can poke fun at anything and anyone. But, a society staple of these lame jokes are blond(e) jokes. Now, people don”t have to be blonde to be ditzy, but these people just…

Oh, boy.

1. Do we need to go over the shotgunning rules again?

Do we need to go over the shotgunning rules again?

2. At least we”ll know whether she”s lip syncing.

At least we

3. “What”s the number for 911?”


4. “Am I just hungover or will these stairs never end?”


5. It”s how the cool kids do it these days.


6. I wonder if they share a brain too.

I wonder if they share a brain too.

7. Grammar fail.

Grammar fail.

8. My peeves don”t like it either.

My peeves don

9. Just wait till she figures it out.

Just wait till she figures it out.

10. Oh honey. You go on looking cute.

Oh honey. You go on looking cute.

11. What if they said to search for bugs.

What if they said to search for bugs.

12. Photoshop 101. Or should I say 36D?

Photoshop 101. Or should I say 36D?

13. Did you even notice the numbers?

Did you even notice the numbers?

14. The movie is always better right?

The movie is always better right?

15. No no no no no no no. You”re making it too easy.

No no no no no no no. You

(via Guff)

So a blonde girl walks into a bar…